antique cowboy spurs

Antique cowboy spurs

Welcome to our site antique cowboy spurs you can get information and great deals on Western, Antique and custom cowboy spurs. Please Like our new Facebook page for more information and to speak to fellow Cowboy Spurs lovers.

Highly collectible antique, vintage and contemporary American and Mexican bits and spurs. Add To Cart. Vintage U. McChesney Pattern No. Double Mounted Wyoming Spurs F

Antique cowboy spurs


Browse this section to find items from makers and manufacturers such as the Kelly Bit and Spur CompanyRenaldeCrockett SpursAntique cowboy spurs and Judd and Buermann are all historic names associated with Cowboy Spurs and the old time American west. Americans love affair with the Spur began with the Spanish, dating back to the introduction of the spur to their continent by the Conquistador, antique cowboy spurs, Hernando Cortez in Mexican Transitional Single Spur F


Spurs have long had a romantic reputation as a symbol of the Old West, Cowboys, and all the associations that those things entail. Spurs have a long history though and spur artifacts have been found dating to dates in ancient times when riders would attach wood or bone to their feet to use as spurs. In Medieval times, the spurs were a symbol of Knighthood and elaborate gold and silver spurs with gemstones and other crazy details became very fashionable. The styles of spurs that became popular in the young United States and in the Old West were descendants, refinements, or copies of older European styles. There are two main branches of American spurs, the California or Vaquero style which descended from the Spanish style brought over by conquistadores, and the Texas style of spurs which were developed from the spurs that settlers brought from the eastern states and colonies which in turn came from England, France and other European nations.

Antique cowboy spurs

Highly collectible antique, vintage and contemporary American and Mexican bits and spurs. Add To Cart. Vintage U. McChesney Pattern No. Double Mounted Wyoming Spurs F Bob Blackwood Single Spur F Mexican Transitional Single Spur F Kelly Bros Single Spur F

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Kelly Bros Single Spur F Kelly Brothers Single Spur F Not all spurs are made equal. Crockett Cat 98 Spurs Spurs F Browse this section to find items from makers and manufacturers such as the Kelly Bit and Spur Company , Renalde , Crockett Spurs , North and Judd and Buermann are all historic names associated with Cowboy Spurs and the old time American west. Please Like our new Facebook page for more information and to speak to fellow Cowboy Spurs lovers. If you would like information about any spurs you have or would just like to say hello, please join our brand new Facebook page. Those made by the historic designers such as Crockett and Renalde are timeless pieces of western memorabilia - but sometimes you just want something special. Double Mounted Wyoming Spurs F Crockett Frontier Pattern Spurs F We also like them to look nice when we take them out.

Here we depict authentic American West Artistry in the form of Cowboy Spurs, about the only jewelry a cowboy ever wore.

Wyoming Centennial F Browse this section to find items from makers and manufacturers such as the Kelly Bit and Spur Company , Renalde , Crockett Spurs , North and Judd and Buermann are all historic names associated with Cowboy Spurs and the old time American west. McChesney Pattern No. Pair of Antique Conquistador Stirrup Booties. Kids spurs and ladies spurs are also popular choices for the Cowboys of today. Add To Cart. Antique Mexican Transitional Spurs F This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Spanish Colonial 18th C Stirrup F Please Like our new Facebook page for more information and to speak to fellow Cowboy Spurs lovers. Welcome to our site where you can get information and great deals on Western, Antique and custom cowboy spurs. Kelly Bros Single Spur F You would need chains to reins for this bit. In early history the size of the rowel could be up to 6 to 8 inches in diameter. Those made by the historic designers such as Crockett and Renalde are timeless pieces of western memorabilia - but sometimes you just want something special.

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