anti aliasing pubg

Anti aliasing pubg

When we have a new first-person shooter installed and start to look at the graphics settings, the same question has always come up for over 20 years: Anti-aliasing on or off, anti aliasing pubg. It was no different with PUBG.

Yooki - Jun 07, Mobile Games. This option makes the game texture look smooth when you move the camera. When you turn it on, you can feel the effect of this graphic feature during the game. The texture does not break or blur after enabling this option. The graphics look more realistic and players will have a better experience.

Anti aliasing pubg

PUBG is out for some time now and Sanhok released - but there is still quite some room for optimization. Follow this guide to get the best PUBG performance out of your rig and learn about in-game settings, ini commands, driver configurations and other useful optimizations for competitive gaming and high FPS. It's all about the best tradeoff between FPS and visibility. If a beautiful PUBG is your goal, things like the in-game settings explanations might still help you though. I feel for the people that have shitty computers. Because if you play this game and you have shitty fps, you're already losing at that point. A healthy and clean system assumed, the ingame settings are the or at least one of the main parts for high fps in PUBG. Unfortunately, PUBG doesn't have the best ingame options. They're clustered and packaged in groups, don't offer much flexibility and are obscure. For every ingame option, you'll find some short explanaions, best practises and in-depth information where I try to go a bit more into details. To make sure you're set to go and don't have any outdated optimization leftovers, follow the Getting Started part of the PUBG settings guide. It's especially important that you get rid of your previous configuration files if you made any changes and optimization attempts in the past. The resolution has quite an impact on the game's performance and fps, but also on the visibility.

When anti-aliasing is turned on, the player model is drawn so softly at the edges that, depending on the background, the opponent can only be seen when he moves. The eye strain will also be inconveniently anti aliasing pubg.


Yooki - Jun 07, Mobile Games. This option makes the game texture look smooth when you move the camera. When you turn it on, you can feel the effect of this graphic feature during the game. The texture does not break or blur after enabling this option. The graphics look more realistic and players will have a better experience. However, you should only enable it if you have a high-end or at least mid-end device. This option is a key to turn the advanced graphic option.

Anti aliasing pubg

Now, you should be able to see several default profiles by AMD. Click on the eSports profile since it has some of the best settings by default. Okay, now you can see a list of settings. Keep it Disabled if you have a decent to high-end PC. Keep it disabled on any desktop computer. On the other hand, if you have a really low-end pc or laptop , you can try and Enable it. Improves visuals for a minimal performance cost Totally worth it.

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The sharpening which is only active with MEDIUM or above post-processing settings, is the only effect that could make your visibility better. You can chose a value between 80 and degrees. On the other hand, if you have a high-end system and exceed the Hz of your monitor by far, then you can afford it. Anti-Aliasing is a technique used to remove jagged, pixelated edges, something you may know as staircase effect. In general, the frames per second rate is reduced when using anti-aliasing in PUBG. They're all forced and bundled into this one setting. In many games, anti-aliasing thus automatically leads to the fact that functions for sharpening the image also have to be used to make the opponents stand out more clearly from the background. The resolution has quite an impact on the game's performance and fps, but also on the visibility. For every ingame option, you'll find some short explanaions, best practises and in-depth information where I try to go a bit more into details. This is what you get:.

Ketika kami memiliki penembak orang pertama yang baru diinstal dan mulai melihat pengaturan grafis, pertanyaan yang sama selalu muncul selama lebih dari 20 tahun: Anti-aliasing aktif atau nonaktif.

For a good amount of visibility and high enough fps in PUBG, full hd x is the way to go. Screen Scale is something that you might know from other games under the name Resolution Scaling. Best PUBG Resolution The resolution has quite an impact on the game's performance and fps, but also on the visibility. As you probably already realised, it also has a drawback. Yes, there is no legitimate way to turn off shadows in PUBG anymore. Then, you can miss the real enemies. If you have a high-end pc though, try setting ScreenScale to instead! Second, disabling as many load-bearing functions as possible stabilizes the FPS rate and thus the latency. Anti-aliasing improves the image quality and always puts a load on the GPU of the graphics card while calculating the frame. They're from a different game, Arma, which uses a totally different game engine. If you are interested in the technical process under the hood, take a look here and here.

3 thoughts on “Anti aliasing pubg

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