Angel locsin latest pictures

You can change your city from here. We serve personalized stories based on the selected city. Ishqbaaz fame Surbhi Chandna ties the knot with Angel locsin latest pictures Sharma; looks gorgeous in a sea green lehenga as she walks down the aisle. Inside Anant Ambani-Radhika Merchant's pre-wedding celebrations: A look at the romantic and adorable moments of the Ambani family.

Share your thoughts in the comments. We love reading them! Angel Locsin has stunned a lot of her followers because of her new post on social media. KAMI learned that on her Instagram account, the actress posted a gorgeous beach photo of her. According to the location tagged by the year-old actress, the photo was taken at Under The Stars Luxury Apartments in Boracay.

Angel locsin latest pictures


Sibling lessons to learn from the Ambani trio. Angel Locsin has stunned a lot of her followers because of her new post on social media.


By providing an email address. Angel Locsin and Neil Arce. Angel Locsin has given fans a more intimate look into moments from her wedding with film producer Neil Arce as she thanked everyone who supported them in their journey as a couple. The actress announced that she got married to Arce in a civil ceremony through a YouTube vlog last Saturday, Aug. I am so happy that we got to make you happy through our [YouTube] channel yesterday. She then showed more photos of herself and Arce posing by a parking lot fountain on her wedding day. Then the photos turned out this beautiful. A post shared by Angel Locsin therealangellocsin. Locsin then poked fun at her friend, actress Dimples Romana, who stood as a witness to her marriage. I love her very much.

Angel locsin latest pictures

Angel Locsin wowed netizens as she showed off a slimmer figure in her latest social media post. The Kapamilya actress on Tuesday uploaded selfies of her in front of the mirror donning black workout clothes. A post shared by Angel Locsin therealangellocsin. Earlier in June, Angel revealed that she started the calorie diet plan as suggested by her nutritionist. Facebook Instagram Twitter Youtube. May ganon?! Hugot Love and relationships OMG! Latest Chika. Celebrity News Just in Latest Chika.

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See all results matching 'mub'. Ishqbaaz fame Surbhi Chandna ties the knot with Karan Sharma; looks gorgeous in a sea green lehenga as she walks down the aisle. Wedding guest looks inspired by Malavika Mohanan. All Bombay Times print stories are available on. Easy tips to hack happy hormones. Surbhi Chandna and Karan Sharma make for a stunning couple in sea-green wedding outfits; a peek into their unconventional looks. Can gold be extracted from Mushrooms? You can change your city from here. KAMI learned that on her Instagram account, the actress posted a gorgeous beach photo of her. Life lessons to learn from the Ambanis.

Angel Locsin once again received positive comments from netizens with her new photo. She shared it on her social media pages, particularly on Facebook and Instagram. Toni Gonzaga posts adorable video of her and husband Paul Soriano.

On Wednesday, Pokwang posted a video showing her donning a pink outfit stunningly designed by Jan Garcia. The actress reposted a photo of Aika Robredo taken during a house-to-house campaign at Navotas Fish Port. Angel Locsin Photos. KAMI learned that on her Instagram account, the actress posted a gorgeous beach photo of her. Trending Celebs. The actress is married to Neil Arce. Sibling lessons to learn from the Ambani trio. Makeup breakdown of the royal and elegant Ambani ladies. Select a City Close. This is why women must have Vitamin-C rich food. The Times of India. Share your thoughts in the comments.

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