All speedsters in the flash

The Arrowverse is absolutely packed with super-speedsters. Barry Allen may consider himself the fastest man alive, but he's far from the only super-speedster in the Multiverse. Ever since that fateful day he was struck by lightning, the Flash has found himself confronted with countless friends and foes who seem to match his speed, all speedsters in the flash. From an out-of-universe perspective, superhero comics and TV shows have long enjoyed pitching heroes against twisted mirror-image enemies.

The Flash is supposed to be the fastest man alive in the DC Comics universe, but the introduction of other speedsters has led to the question: Who is the fastest of the fast? There have been several members of the DC Comics Flash family introduced as both heroes and villains. The speedsters gained their powers in differing ways, whether it be the Speed Force, magic, or even drugs. But these sources didn't distribute the powers equally. And every time a new speedster is introduced, the question must also be asked whether they will use their powers for good or for evil.

All speedsters in the flash

But there is more than one 'scarlet speedster' running around the DC Universe. With multiple allies from the past and future all expanding the Flash Family over the years, who is truly the fastest of the crew? It's a hard thing to rank every DC speedster's strength with the mystical Speed Force , but by looking at their age, experience, training and power origins, it's possible to create a rough ranking of the speedsters. Read on to discover the fastest heroes in DC's iconic Flash Family. However, Jai and his twin sister Irey shared a connection to the Speed Force and unfortunately, he was forced to give up his powers as the split was causing them both pain. He might be the slowest in the Flash Family, but his new abilities finally let him find a place in it. Irey loves her abilities and is ready to dive headfirst into any situation where she can use them. While Irey is destined to take on the Flash mantle for herself one day , she has a lot to learn about the ins and outs of her powers not to mention learning how to think ahead. Max was given powers via a magical enchantment rather than a direct connection to the Speed Force. However, Max gained a mastery of his skills over the years and has even taken several other speedsters under his wing to help them reach even greater heights than him. He may not be the fastest, but his place in the family is invaluable.

Max becomes an excellent teacher as he mentors other speedsters. In the comics, Black Flash has the most run-ins with Wally West, who is known for pushing his speed to further limits than other speedsters. Training a new generation of Flashes is no small feat, but thankfully Meena had help, both from her own knowledge and Speed Force abilities, all speedsters in the flash, but those of her boyfriend, Barry Allen.

DC Comics has no shortage of speedsters. From heroes like Superman and the Flash to villains like Savitar and Reverse-Flash, it seems there's always another speedster making their debut. Some use their gifts for heroic missions, while others employ their speed for selfish or criminal endeavors, but each relishes the chance to put their speed to the test. Across 80 years of publication, DC's greatest speedsters have proved their mettle against each other, whether competing in friendly face-offs or laying it all on the line during world-shattering events. By analyzing each speedster's greatest feats, comics fans can finally determine who is the fastest speedster alive. Updated on July 17, , by Scoot Allan: Barry Allen discovered a few of the dark consequences of his superspeed in 's live-action The Flash film.

Barry Allen is the fastest man alive, and the second speedster to be called the Flash. Using his superspeed powers, he taps into the Speed Force and becomes a costumed crime-fighter. He is a founding member of the Justice League. When Barry was a boy, his parents' relationship wasn't going well, and while he prepared to participate in a spelling bee at school, his mother Nora was struggling to encourage him despite working double shifts and trying to get a divorce from his father Henry. He received the divorce papers on the day of the spelling bee, and because Nora had to work, he seethed and took Barry to school. When Nora returned from work, she was happy to see that her son had won the competition, but she was obligated to speak to Henry about their relationship, and so Barry was sent to the bookstore in the meantime. By the time Barry returned, however, his mother had been murdered, and his father had been placed under arrest, though he professed his innocence. Fortunately, Darryl Frye , who had secretly been involved romantically with Nora, pulled some strings and was able to take Barry in.

All speedsters in the flash

The Flash has become something of an icon in the 21st century, partly because of the CW show that was popular for most of its run. However, even before that, the Flash was among the most important DC heroes of all time. The first Flash debuted way back in , playing a big role in the foundation of the Golden Age superheroes. Since then, the Flash has been responsible for many milestones in the comic industry, from the creation of the Silver Age to the first sidekick who graduated to the mantle of his mentor. The Flash has a corps of fans who love the character, but that's not everyone. There are some fans out there who have never read a Flash story that they like. For those fans, the reason for that is they've never found the right story. There are some great Flash stories out there, one that will make anyone a fan of the greatest speedster in comics.

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He originates from Nora West-Allen's future timeline, where Nora beat him after being trained by Eobard Thawne; after Nora was erased from the timeline, though, he began sending speedsters back in time to cause problems for Team Flash. Jonathan Allen was the Flash's evil Earth 3 counterpart and core member of the Crime Syndicate of America, one of the darkest versions of the Justice League. Canonically, both 'Wally Wests' are cousins. As a descendant of Barry Allen, Jenni shares the Allen family's affinity toward superheroics and their great power. Assuming he's the same as his comic book equivalent, he's an alter-dimensional Barry Allen; the Accelerated Man has only been encountered a couple of times by dimension-hoppers such as Gypsy, and it's impossible to say whether he still exists in the post-Crisis universe. The Formula gave her both her father's super speed and her mother's super strength. Their futures diverged when Kobra killed Linda Park. Daniel started draining anyone connected to the Speed Force and embarked on his mission as Reverse-Flash. Johnny never ran as fast as the rest of the Flash Family, though his mathematical formula has helped give other speedsters a boost when needed. Avery Ho may be one of the greener Flashes, but since gaining powers via the Speed Force storm in Central City , the Flash of China has focused solely on becoming faster. Another character with differing backstories depending on which media introduces her, Jesse Quick gained powers in the comics when her father, speedster Johnny Quick, developed a Speed Formula. The Crime Syndicate successfully captured several members of the League before the Injustice League stopped them in their tracks. She eventually debuted as her own version of the Flash alongside teams like the Justice League of China. Barry's previous top speed has been measured at 1.

Responding to a fan on Threads via X who believed that Gustin's talent was being wasted by not being in the DC Universe, Gunn wrote, "Grant is an incredibly talented guy , performing now on Broadway, I believe, and is absolutely not going to waste just because he's not currently in a DC project. Together, the two shows launched the Arrowverse, a shared universe that would go on to span six live-action television series and two animated web series, as well as multiple comics and novels. After nine successful seasons on The CW, the longest-running Arrowverse show came to a close in May

Across 80 years of publication, DC's greatest speedsters have proved their mettle against each other, whether competing in friendly face-offs or laying it all on the line during world-shattering events. He successfully recreated the accident that gave Barry Allen his powers, and became a speedster himself. One of the first Golden Age speedsters was Johnny Chambers. She outruns Wally West and proves to be smarter than her father. By analyzing each speedster's greatest feats, comics fans can finally determine who is the fastest speedster alive. Instead, drugs were responsible. Earth-3 was obliterated, but Shipp has indicated Jay could return. Max Mercury was initially known as "The Whirlwind of the West," though his interest in the Speed Force saw him jump through time a few times over the years. Although he failed, he gained powers from temporal radiation exposure during his journey. Impulse worked alongside other speedsters like Max Mercury and helped found the team, Young Justice.

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