Alice tv show cast

The misadventures and trials of an aspiring singer and her co-workers at a greasy-spoon diner. Florence Jean Castleberry : Kiss my grits! Sign In Sign In. New Customer?

Sign In. Walden episodes, Vic Tayback Mel Sharples episodes, Beth Howland Vera Louise Gorman episodes, Polly Holliday Flo Castleberry 90 episodes, Celia Weston Jolene Hunnicutt 90 episodes,

Alice tv show cast

Alice Hyatt Linda Lavin. Mel Sharples Vic Tayback. Vera Gorman Beth Howland. Tommy Hyatt Philip McKeon. Flo Castleberry Polly Holliday. Belle Dupree Diane Ladd. Jolene Hunnicutt

Diane Ladd Jolene Hunnicutt

The show stars Linda Lavin in the title role, a widow who moves with her young son to start life over again, and finds a job working at a roadside diner in Phoenix , Arizona. Most of the episodes revolve around events at Mel's Diner, where Alice is employed. Alice Spivak Hyatt Lavin is an unemployed widow after her husband Donald is killed in a trucking accident, and with her young son Tommy played by Alfred Lutter in the television pilot , reprising his role from the film, but portrayed by Philip McKeon thereafter heads from their New Jersey home to Los Angeles to pursue a singing career. Her car breaks down in Phoenix, and viewers meet her soon after she has taken a job as a waitress at Mel's Diner, in Phoenix. The later seasons' exterior shots were of a real diner, named Mel's, still in operation in Phoenix. Alice works alongside Mel Sharples Vic Tayback , the grouchy, stingy owner and cook of the greasy spoon, and fellow waitresses and friends, sassy, man-hungry Florence Jean "Flo" Castleberry Polly Holliday , and neurotic, scatterbrained Vera Louise Gorman Beth Howland. With a single exception, episodes started inside the diner, and most if not all subsequent scenes took place there as well.

The durable sitcom about a single mom who slings hash at Mel's Diner is based on the movie 'Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore' and ran for nine seasons. The spinoff series 'Flo,' with Polly Holliday, ran from Close Ad. New This Month. New and Upcoming Netflix Shows and Movies. New and Upcoming Hulu Shows and Movies. What to Watch. If You Like

Alice tv show cast

The misadventures and trials of an aspiring singer and her co-workers at a greasy-spoon diner. Florence Jean Castleberry : Kiss my grits! Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Episode guide. Play trailer Creator Robert Getchell.

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Dennis Holahan Rob 1 episode, Jim Lefebvre The Clown 1 episode, Belle Dupree Gary Shimokawa. Dino M. Celeste Cartier Terry St. Celia Weston. Bryan O'Byrne Joe 1 episode, Katherine Green. By what name was Alice officially released in India in English? Sybil Adelman. Lewis Evers 2 episodes, The tone and style of the series differed greatly from the film, and there were a number of factual differences concerning the characters and setting. Ian Wolfe Webster 1 episode,

Alice Hyatt Episodes. Mel Sharples Episodes.

Duane R. Rod Colbin Edgar Patton 1 episode, Polly Holliday Flo Castleberry 90 episodes, Dinah Shore Dinah Shore 1 episode, Mickey Jones Buford 2 episodes, Carrie Sharples 11 Episodes Rose Goodwin 1 episode, Jack O'Leary Jack uncredited 1 episode, John Sylvester White Mr. A lot of mishaps in the Diner are as a result of Vera and her clumsiness. Top Top-rated 9 seasons 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 See all 10 years See all. Curry Worsham Bum No. Ron Rifkin Eric 1 episode,

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