ali vs holmes

Ali vs holmes

Larry Holmes born November 3, is an American former professional boxer who competed from to and was world heavyweight champion from until

Lazrry Holmes et Mohamed Ali prenant la pose, avant leur combat du 2 octobre A la reprise du combat au 11e round, Mohamed Ali ne quitte pas sa chaise. Regarder Scores en direct. Football Tennis Sports d'hiver. Souscrire maintenant En savoir plus. Se connecter. Les plus populaires.

Ali vs holmes

Ali, who had all manner of coordination issues and was suffering from brain damage, kidney problems and was noticeably slurring his words, was nevertheless somehow cleared to fight Holmes by the good folks at The Mayo Clinic. Ali had gobbled up a ton of thyroid pills in the lead-up to the Holmes fight; Ali was famously treating the things as though they were quite literally vitamins. Ali looked great on the outside, his weight its lowest in years, his hair dyed black. Pushing himself through workouts and sparring sessions where the great man looked nothing short of pitiful, his reflexes dulled, and his energy levels at a low, Ali must have known himself that he had no chance against his former sparring partner. Holmes not only knew how Ali fought, his tricks, his strengths, and his weaknesses, he also knew Ali, the master psychologist. Ali was in big trouble going into the Holmes fight, and those closest to him knew it. Surely Ali would have listened to HIM? Who was going to tell Ali no? Also, even experienced, they-should-have-known-better boxing people such as Howard Cosell had an almost unshakable faith in Ali. He would not let them down. And his adoring fans believed him. The fight was no contest, Ali winning not a single minute of a single round.

September 19, Eventually, Holmes was disqualified for excessive holding. Esperti Clay vs.

Larry Holmes vs. Muhammad Ali , billed as " The Last Hurrah! Larry Holmes was Ali's sparring partner for a long time. They boxed hundreds of rounds. On February 14, , Ali told the Associated Press that he was 75 percent sure that he would return to the ring. The announcement came as a surprise, as the press conference was billed as a contract-signing for a bout between Ali and Weaver.

I can see it now. Holmes is down. Eight, nine, 10! For the world record setting, never to be broken forth time, Muhammad Ali is the Heavyweight champion of the world! In late September, he again graced the cover of Sports Illustrated just days before his bout with Larry Holmes and proclaimed he would win the title for a record fourth time. A native of Louisville, Kentucky, and now 38, Ali , 37 KOs would scrap ideas of retirement after a two year hiatus. His last action in the ring was in September , redeeming himself against Leon Spinks in their rematch. In the boxing world, Holmes, now the sitting WBC Heavyweight champion and former Ali sparring partner, was undefeated and fighting for recognition and respect.

Ali vs holmes

Despite Holmes frequently and charitably holding back on his offense, the year-old Muhammad Ali was passive throughout, and a capacity crowd of some 24, fans that hoped to witness a great fight found themselves at a heavyweight championship funeral. The former three-time heavyweight champion and living legend performed better — due largely to the fact that he was in with Berbick and not Holmes — but he still dropped a round unanimous decision to a man that he would have outclassed with ease in his heyday. It was an ignominious ending to a glorious year professional career. Sixty-one professional fights; many of them classic wars, hundreds of rounds of sparring and a propensity to play out the legendary rope-a-dope routine over and over and over again took a nightmarish toll on arguably the greatest sportsman that ever lived. The object of the game is to hit and not get hit. When he was young, Ali could do all that; he was moving, he was blocking, so he seen everything coming at him. Neither of us really wanted the fight in , and the only reason we did fight was because we got a lot of money. Unlike Ali, who had a long and distinguished amateur career that culminated in Olympic gold, Holmes cut his teeth in professional gyms where he was tested to the maximum. His whole thing was getting in shape.

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October 13, International Center , Honolulu, Hawaii , U. James Smith. It was also revealed after the fight that Ali had been examined at the Mayo Clinic, and the results were shocking. Witherspoon, a six to one underdog and with only 15 professional bouts to his name, surprised many by giving Holmes a difficult fight. Larry Holmes vs. September 19, Logan Clay vs. WBC heavyweight champion. Ali looked great on the outside, his weight its lowest in years, his hair dyed black.

Larry Holmes vs.

Coliseum , Jacksonville, Florida , U. Souvenez-vous de Foreman. Boxing tradition dictates that the champion be introduced last, but the challenger, Cooney, was introduced last. The New York Times. Holmes's trainer Richie Giachetti called Holmes's pummeling of Ali "awful Scope , Norfolk, Virginia , U. Mais il n'a plus les jambes ni la verve de Kinshasa ou de Manille. Regarder Scores en direct. By then, Holmes was landing with ease. Mathis Ali vs. When he retired from boxing, Holmes employed more than people through his various business holdings.

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