alex garza

Alex garza

He is representing the communities of Taylor, Brownstown Twp. As an active neighbor in the downriver community, alex garza, Garza successfully ran for City Council inand won re-election in

Garza had political experience before his current term as State Representative. His election in marked the first time in history a person of color held local office in Taylor, Michigan. In , Garza announced his intention to run for mayor of Taylor. This article about a Michigan politician is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. Contents move to sidebar hide.

Alex garza

Last Name. Share this page. Follow Ballotpedia. He assumed office on January 1, He left office on January 1, He lost in the general election on November 8, Garza earned his bachelor's degree from the University of Michigan Dearborn in The following table lists bills this person sponsored as a legislator, according to BillTrack50 and sorted by action history. Bills are sorted by the date of their last action. The following list may not be comprehensive.

You can't tax your way out of a deficit, and you can't cut your way out of one either.

Skip to main content. Alexandrea Garza. Earns Commissions Contributors independently recommend products and may earn commissions on purchases. Learn more. Everyday style, easy wellness, home, travel and motherhood. See more. See less.

Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Born in Scranton, Pennsylvania, Biden has a long career in public service, most notably serving as Vice President alongside President Barack Obama from to Prior to that , Biden served six consecutive terms in the U. Senate from to Biden is also the recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom with distinction, which only three others have received. In , two weeks after his election to his first term in the Senate, his wife and daughter were killed in a car accident. In , Biden also lost his eldest son to brain cancer. Joe Biden speaks frequently about tragedy and loss as a way to communicate that he understands the hardships everyday Americans face, particularly when it comes to dealing with the healthcare system. One of his signature accomplishments was getting the Affordable Care Act passed, which helped expand health insurance for millions of Americans and guaranteed no one could be discriminated against for having a preexisting condition.

Alex garza

A current state representative is seeking another term in the Legislature after his current district was redrawn as a result of redistricting. State Rep. Alex Garza, a Democrat from Taylor, has announced his bid to represent the newly-formed 29th District. In , voters approved a ballot measure to create a commission consisting of Independents, Democrats and Republicans to redraw districts every ten years as a way to avoid partisan gerrymandering. Garza, who previously served as the chairman of Taylor's city council, said he is grateful for the outpouring of community support he has received.

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In office January 1, — January 1, We must work together to balance our state budget. Helena Scott D. Garza's return to public service on the Wayne County Commission stems from a deep-seated belief in civic duty and a desire to facilitate and be part of positive change. Nate Shannon D. Gina Johnsen R. What was your very first job? Seniors and Veterans Affairs. Donavan McKinney D. Penelope Tsernoglou D. To view Garza's endorsements in the election, please click here. How would you close the talent gap in this state?

On Election Day, Nov.

Helena Scott D. I believe our challenges will be getting our state's economy to recover from the negative effects of this virus. House Dems. Upon the retirement of the State Representative, Garza successfully ran for State Representative in , and went on to win re-election in Total votes: 6, He has a track record of working with Republicans, Independents, and Democrats to get things done for his community. Ballotpedia is in the process of developing an encyclopedic list of published scorecards. Retrieved November 4, Share this page Follow Ballotpedia. I cannot tell you how beneficial that service was in aiding me to be a better Legislator.

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