Ajunta pall

Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope. This article is in need of referencing per Wookieepedia's sourcing guidelines.

This is Thesecret I am an admin of this site. Edit as much as you wish, but one little thing If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. Other than that, enjoy Villains Wiki!!! Ajunta Pall is one of the overarching antagonists of the Star Wars franchise.

Ajunta pall

RPG Search. Banshee Network Choose a site Subsite Navigation Game Information. Tomb of Ajunta Pall. Did we miss anything on this map? Is there something we didn't discover? Let us know! Your goal is to make it to area 9. However, since he doesn't know what it looks like Either one will do. He'll gloat and leave, and when you return to Uthar, you'll see Shaardan giving him the wrong sword, and what Uthar does to failures. Of course, you can also fight Shaardan here and leave, but isn't it more fun playing with him first? Of course, there's a consequence to that - it's trapped. After the detonation, all of the droids at area 6 will be activated, and they have shields up as well. But you've got a solution nearby.

By individual articles Project Defender Project Stardust. Something went wrong, ajunta pall. Angered by what they deemed Jedi arrogance, Master Pall and his followers declared war on the Order, ajunta pall a century-long conflict that would be known to history as the Hundred-Year Darkness.

Ajunta Pall's role in the grand scheme of the Star Wars storyline is a large one, though he is rarely mentioned in Star Wars media. He was among the first Jedi to embrace the darker side of the Force , fighting a massive war against the Jedi Order that would come to last a little over years and was referred to as the "Hundred-Year Darkness". When the dust settled, Ajunta and his fellow fallen Jedi were defeated and fled to Korriban, where they met the primitive species that would forever become the namesake of the enemies of the Jedi. The species they met were the red-skinned humanoids who were known as Sith, who had a primitive grasp of the dark side of the Force themselves. The fleeing fallen Jedi were resisted when they attempted to claim the world and fought against the Sith people. Ajunta recruited the king's Shadow Hand his second in command to their cause and the war turned against the natives.

This is Thesecret I am an admin of this site. Edit as much as you wish, but one little thing If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. Other than that, enjoy Villains Wiki!!! Ajunta Pall is one of the overarching antagonists of the Star Wars franchise. With much of his past being left ambiguous, what is certain is that Pall was a Force-sensitive human who was a member of the Jedi Order before or following the First Great Schism. An extremely observant and curious man, his fascination with the force led to him becoming a potent wielder of the Force, using his talents to quickly rise through the ranks of the religious organisation, obtaining the rank of Jedi Knight, then Master. His thirst for knowledge eventually led him and some followers of his within the Order, to become intrigued by the alluring possibilities and potential that the dark side of the Force possessed, specifically with the ability to shape and twist life through alchemy. This resulted in him studying material that was considered taboo by the rest of the Order.

Ajunta pall

This article would benefit from the addition of one or more new images. Please upload a relevant canonical image, and place it here. Once finished, remove this notice. While Pall remained buried with his legendary sword , suits of armor, and loyal retainers, the surface of Korriban and the Sith Empire itself suffered. The tomb lay buried under sand and rubble for millennia as the spirits of the Sith seethed under the surface of the ruined world. Several millennia after the fall of Pall's Empire, Darth Revan returned to the known galaxy with as the head of an Empire and took up residence on Korriban during the Jedi Civil War. When Revan was captured by the Jedi Order and realigned with the light side of the Force , he returned to Korriban in the guise of an acolyte and infiltrated the rebuilt Sith Academy there. During his stay, he explored Pall's tomb fighting through the many tuk'ata which guarded the entrance, as well as some droid protectors. Upon discovering the sarcophagus at the heart of the tomb, Revan was confronted by the spirit of Ajunta Pall. Challenging Revan to select his sword from a group of three weapons on the chamber wall, Revan correctly identified the Dark Lord's ancient weapon and convinced the spirit to put aside its hatred and rejoin the light.

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Dark Priest Hargon Zombiehood Originally, Pall's tomb was supposed to be that of Freedon Nadd , who actually had been buried on Dxun. Start a Wiki. This resulted in him studying material that was considered taboo by the rest of the Order. His body was returned to Korriban, where it was placed in a massive tomb in what would come to be called the Valley of the Dark Lords. Pall eventually died after serving the Empire for many decades, but his Empire lived on. Nightsisters Mighella Sai Sircu Zalem. Current Wiki. An extremely observant and curious man, his fascination with the force led to him becoming a potent wielder of the Force, using his talents to quickly rise through the ranks of the religious organisation, obtaining the rank of Jedi Knight, then Master. Both the silver-lined and vibro swords are the wrong choice. Go to Link Unlink Change. Upon his arrival on Korriban , he became the first Dark Lord of the Sith. We fell… and I knew it would be so.

The Jedi and the Sith are such a core dichotomy in "Star Wars" that it's easy to forget they didn't always exist.

Interestingly enough, Luke Skywalker is officially listed as ambidextrous. By individual articles Project Defender Project Stardust. Try again later. Disable this feature for this session. The "correct" choice for the statue is the notched sword. However, since he doesn't know what it looks like Despite being technologically inferior than the newly-arrived Dark Jedi, the latter took great interest in the Sith due to their knowledge about the Force, an interest which quickly turned to imperialism. He discovered how to create life, and the Jedi were appalled. I was one of many. Yes, that was my name. I was one of many. Upon being barred from ever researching the dark side, Pall and his followers declared war on the Order, resulting in a massive conflict that came to be known as the Hundred-Year Darkness. After the detonation, all of the droids at area 6 will be activated, and they have shields up as well. Traveling from one planet to the other in search of a habitable world, the Exiles eventually discovered Korriban on the Outer Rim.

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