

AG Grid is a fully-featured and highly customizable JavaScript data grid, aggridreact. It delivers outstanding performancehas no aggridreact party dependencies and integrates smoothly with React as React Component.

The grid is configure via props on the AgGridReact component. Props consist of simple types, arrays, complex objects and callback functions. When setting properties, it's best to treat non-simple types as immutable objects e. See React Hooks for best practices. It is a common requirement to update a grid option after the grid has been created.


Welcome to the AG Grid documentation. After reading this page you will have an overview of the key concepts of AG Grid that you will use on a daily basis. The AgGridReact component is wrapped in a parent container div. Style is applied to the parent container. Rows and Columns are set as AgGridReact component attributes. Below is a live example of the application running. To live-edit the code, open the example in CodeSandbox or Plunker using the buttons to the lower-right. Now that you have a basic grid running, the remainder of this page explores some of the key concepts. The field or valueGetter attributes map data to columns. A field maps to a field in the data. A Value Getter is a function callback that returns the cell value. The headerName provides the title for the header. If missing the title is derived from field.

Once we select a theme to configure, we can customize it by overriding the CSS aggridreact.

AG Grid is a fully-featured and highly customizable JavaScript data grid. It delivers outstanding performance , has no 3rd party dependencies and integrates smoothly with React as React Component. Here's how our grid looks like with multiple filters and grouping enabled:. Check out developers documentation for a complete list of features or visit our official docs for tutorials and feature demos. Use the setup instructions below or go through a 5-minute-quickstart guide. If you have found a bug, please report them at this repository issues section.

Welcome to the AG Grid documentation. After reading this page you will have an overview of the key concepts of AG Grid that you will use on a daily basis. The AgGridReact component is wrapped in a parent container div. Style is applied to the parent container. Rows and Columns are set as AgGridReact component attributes. Below is a live example of the application running. To live-edit the code, open the example in CodeSandbox or Plunker using the buttons to the lower-right. Now that you have a basic grid running, the remainder of this page explores some of the key concepts. The field or valueGetter attributes map data to columns. A field maps to a field in the data.


In previous blog posts we have shown how to use classes in React: get started in 5 minutes and customising react data grid , in this post we will cover Getting Started using Hooks and how to optimise components which use the React Data Grid. Hooks let us use React features from functions so you won't see any classes in this Getting Started Guide. Since this is a getting started post I'll summarise the absolute basic steps to getting started, I assume you have npm installed. Rather than add all the code into my App. I'll use our basic cars data set so I'll amend my App. Then I will create the data that I will load into the grid. Initially I'll create this as a simple array and we'll consider alternatives later in the post. But I'd rather configure all the columns to be sortable and filterable at the same time, and I can do that by adding a default column definition on the grid itself. But, there is really no point in having a pagination, sorting and filtering on a grid with such a small amount of data.


A Value Getter is a function callback that returns the cell value. These properties set multiple row selections and animation while the user is filtering and sorting:. It also provides components for building data tables and data grids in an application. If you want to join the team check out our jobs listing or send your application to info ag-grid. Add buttons, checkboxes or images to cells with a Cell Renderer. Unpacked Size kB. Look for similar problems on StackOverflow using the ag-grid tag. To create columns, we use an id , title , and other properties:. AG Grid provides a set of pre-defined themes. Here, we manage pageIndex in the component state. In this guide, we introduced the basic functionalities of the ag-grid-react library and demonstrated how to use AG Grid to build and style a data grid in a React app. We have the following columns:. Column Filters are embedded into each column menu.

Out of the box, it includes hybrid static and server rendering, image optimization, TypeScript support, easy routing, and more. Meanwhile, AG Grid can process over , updates per second, making it the perfect choice for livestreaming data. It can create integrated and standalone charting and it also comes with the ability to select, filter, sort, and edit rows, making it an all-around useful tool for wrangling complex data tables.

A data grid is more suitable for rendering data that has higher user interaction. Do not use GitHub issues to ask questions. But one of the benefits of TanStack Table is that we have complete control over the functionality. AG Grid is developed by a team of co-located developers in London. To customize it, we can override the CSS variable in the App. Their value is only read during the initial setup of the grid. Use the checkboxSelection column definition attribute to render checkboxes for selection. MUI provides inbuilt support for pagination. Git github. This project is licensed under the MIT license. Install LogRocket via npm or script tag. A G lide D ata G rid is a React data grid component for building data tables and data grids. You can find the complete code for our Glide Data G rid example here. Alpine Dark. A data table is generally more suitable for rendering static data that simply needs to be displayed in a table format.

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