African nigerian movies

All rights reserved. Welcome to Nollywood. Documentary 55 min Prime Video. Welcome to Nollywood takes you inside the Nigerian film industry, which has exploded in the last ten years.

Votes: A young man's weakness for women lands him in trouble when he is caught in a bizarre love triangle with witches. When her parents are murdered, Nneka encounters the Queen of the Coast who offers to help her in revealing the identities of people who killed her parents. This changes the course of her life as she sets out on a mission of revenge. Muna's driving desire to provide a better life for herself and grandmother in

African nigerian movies

Everyone info. Welcome to NG-Movies! NG-Movies an app to watch Nigerian Movies for free. Find and watch Movies based on your likes and watch activities personalised for you. Looking for the most talked about TV shows and movies from the around the world? And with the mobile app, you get Netflix while you travel, commute, or just take a break. Free Nigerian Nollywood Movies is an app built to entertain, educate and showcase the Nollywood movie culture with over 15, hours of incredible movie and TV content whenever you want them in the world, at home or on the go, via an internet-connected computer, tablet or mobile. This channel will be entertaining you with the best of Nollywood Nollywood movies for free! Our Topmost priority is to satisfy our viewers with engaging and entertaining contents that keep them coming back for more. We also work closely with our partners to increase reach by systematically promoting their content and growing their audience base with experience and dedication that allow us to execute faster and more effectively than other providers. No images or videos of any kind is hosted on our server. All Content are owned by their copyright owners. All images and videos are displayed by using Youtube standard Image APIs and video players or embed codes. Each content is displayed unaltered by any kind without intent of harm to copyright owners to Youtube. Safety starts with understanding how developers collect and share your data.

Safety starts with understanding how developers collect and share your data. Vuga Video Drama 8. Mentored by a mysterious tycoon, african nigerian movies, an ambitious young man faces a crisis when his rise to power draws him deep into the occult.

This list is an unofficial list of the best Nigerian Movies ever produced spanning decades. The list is subject to changes. Seven brave warriors were sent to the land of the living dead to find the only weapon that can save their kingdom from an unbreakable curse. Votes: Not Rated min Comedy, Crime, Drama. Set in a Nigerian city Confusion Na Wa is a dark comedy about a group of strangers whose fates become intertwined over the course of 24 hours. At the heart of everything is a phone found by

By Scott Roxborough. Europe Bureau Chief. This was the year Nollywood made Netflix history. The Black Book , a revenge thriller from first-time director Editi Effiong became the first-ever Nigerian film to soar to No. The film stars Nigerian film legend Richard Mofe-Damijo as Paul Edima, a deacon whose dark past returns after his son Olumide Oworu is framed for kidnapping by a corrupt police gang and Edima swears revenge. An August report from market intelligence group Digital TV Research expects the African SVOD market to see major growth in the coming years, with SVOD subscriptions forecast to hit 18 million by , more than double the estimated eight million today.

African nigerian movies

Driven by the thirst for revenge, an invincible bandit exerts a reign of terror on the fictional Kingdom of Ajeromi. Votes: Three women are living in the same compound, experiencing different forms of assault from the men around them. One of these women, year-old Rolake Dabiri, decides enough is enough as she speaks up and revolts against these men. Luckless in love, a young nurse finally meets the perfect man - a handsome billionaire - only to learn that his family harbors some deep, dark secrets. A struggling single mother faces her worst nightmare when the father of her children comes into their lives and completely steals their attention all for himself.


Phone Swap min Comedy, Romance 6. As Nigeria prepares for independence from the British in , a seasoned police detective rushes to find the serial killer slaughtering its native young women. The list is subject to changes. Seven brave warriors were sent to the land of the living dead to find the only weapon that can save their kingdom from an unbreakable curse. Action Mama 1 A greedy woman rues her bad choices, as she is made to suffer the consequences of her Not Rated 55 min Documentary. IMDb user rating average 1 1. When her parents are murdered, Nneka encounters the Queen of the Coast who offers to help her in revealing the identities of people who killed her parents. Anchor Baby is a tale of an illegal immigrant couple from Nigeria on a quest to create a better life for their unborn child. Okafor's Law min Comedy, Drama, Romance 5.

This list is an unofficial list of the best Nigerian Movies ever produced spanning decades.

When her parents are murdered, Nneka encounters the Queen of the Coast who offers to help her in revealing the identities of people who killed her parents. Scroll Of Amadioha 2 A brave warrior is commissioned as the saviour of a community plagued by unfamiliar forces Jamie Meltzer Director. TV-PG min Drama. Traveling to the countrys chaotic capitol, Lagos, Meltzer spent two months following three of Nigerias hottest directors, each different in personality and style, as they shot their films about love, betrayal, war, and the supernatural. A virtuous Nollywood is now the third largest film industry in the world, generating million dollars per year for the Nigerian economy. Mentored by a mysterious tycoon, an ambitious young man faces a crisis when his rise to power draws him deep into the occult. Documentary 55 min Prime Video. Seven brave warriors were sent to the land of the living dead to find the only weapon that can save their kingdom from an unbreakable curse.

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