actress bess armstrong

Actress bess armstrong

Birthday December 11, 70 years old.

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Elizabeth Key Armstrong. Mini Bio.

Actress bess armstrong

Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Bess Armstrong Actress. Play trailer I Love That for You She has been married to John Fiedler since 12 April They have three children. She was previously married to Chris Carreras. Contact info Agent info Resume. Add to list. View contact info at IMDbPro. Photos

And more and more, show business is becoming business. Where was Bess Armstrong born? Self 10 Thanks 3 Archive Footage 2.

I was trying to cook dinner. My mother was trying to get the dogs into the car because they have fleas. I like it, even though we all go semi-hysterical. Dressed in a gray sweater, shorts and black suede flats, her golden brown hair tucked simply behind her ears, she looks like she could still pose for her Bryn Mawr School yearbook. Only the sunglasses, a pair of very trendy tortoise-shell shades, suggest the life of a rich or famous actress who lives in L. Looks, however, only tell part of the story. In conversation, Bess Armstrong is direct, witty and articulate.

While at Bryn Mawr and Brown, Armstrong appeared in over one hundred stage plays. She later starred in several television films. Armstrong remains active in films, television, and the stage. Contents move to sidebar hide. Article Talk.

Actress bess armstrong

Bess Armstrong is a fresh-faced, all-American performer with strong stage experience. She was sympathetic as the new wife whose presence disrupts the harmony of a close-knit group of friends in Alan Alda's "middle ages" comedy, "The Four Seasons" She also appeared in the hit TV miniseries "Lace" as Judy Hale, a magazine publisher and one of the three women Phoebe Cates rounds up in her quest for her mother.

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Add demo reel with IMDbPro. She began her acting career in and has since appeared in numerous stage plays, showcasing her talent and versatility. Lucy Chase Fiedler. Tools Tools. I Married Who? Settings Enable Keyboard Shortcuts. Credits Edit. He genuinely seems to like women. Upload your demo reel. Lucy died six months later, on January 8, Elizabeth Key Armstrong. Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content. Armstrong's film work of the same period includes a starring role in the flat "Jaws 3-D" , playing Tom Hanks' ex-girlfriend in the comedy "Nothing in Common" and Elaine in "Dream Lover"

I was trying to cook dinner.

Jaws 3-D as Kathryn Morgan. One Tree Hill 5 episodes as Lydia James. Personal details Edit. Armstrong delivereda baby girl whose brain was underdeveloped. Login to report an issue. The Nanny 1 episode as Sara Sheffield uncredited. After her death, Ms. Together Again as Mary Carew. I Love That for You 7. Looking for better places to do your shopping online? Chris Carreras. The House of God. Sign In Sign In. Longmire 1 episode.

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