888 auctions canada

888 auctions canada

Auction House Directory. Follow 4, Followers. Located just north of Toronto, Canada, Auctions has grown from 888 auctions canada small regional auction house to Canada's largest auction house specializing in Asian art, precious gems and metals, and numismatic items.

Online Auctions. Auction House Directory. Bidder Reviews for Auctions Filter: All Ratings. Sort: Highest Rated. Great experience A wonderful experience buying in every respect!

888 auctions canada


Selling print as painting Email and confirmed with the auction house this is hand painted but when I receive it's a print.


We are an auction house that has developed a marketplace through the use of technology and by creating tools to enable users to offer their items for sale. We are constantly evolving and searching for new methods for sellers to realize the value in their collections and reduce the frictions within the buying experience. The commercial art market is very misunderstood by the public with the misconception that only Authentic works can be sold. Nothing is further from the truth as the truth is offered in varying degrees which is standard practice throughout the industry. As pieces are passed down or parted from their original owners the separation from their owner usually results in the loss of provenance and the history of the piece. We are technology and platform that provides a venue for a fair and open marketplace. Authenticity in Art can be represented in varying degrees. It is not black and white. Here are some standard degrees that can be found in the descriptions.

888 auctions canada

Auction House Directory. Follow 4, Followers. Located just north of Toronto, Canada, Auctions has grown from a small regional auction house to Canada's largest auction house specializing in Asian art, precious gems and metals, and numismatic items.

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Can it be better? I will most certainly bid again in another auction with Auctions. Fake item This item was fake. I based my opinion of the item based on the area it could of ended up Attentive, Immediate, Thorough. Good Auction House I'm very pleased with the entire process with this auction house. View: I search out any source that sells coins that fit my collection. I did send the correct invoice I had received from Live Auctions to point out the mistake. The auction house did not care at all. Upcoming Auctions from Auctions Auctions has no upcoming auctions.


Located just north of Toronto, Canada, Auctions has grown from a small regional auction house to Canada's largest auction house specializing in Asian art, precious gems and metals, and numismatic items. I did send the correct invoice I had received from Live Auctions to point out the mistake. I did get a rude massage after communicating the issue with a shipper who knew them. Consign Item See all price results. I received my shipment within days. Great Experience I have had a great experience with this auction house. Great experience A wonderful experience buying in every respect! With a devoted staff of specialists and appraisers, Auctions continues to provide an ever-increasing calibre of items to an ever-expanding international audience. Helpful 10 Report. Follow 4, Followers. Worst business people I have ever dealt with. I would highly recommend to avoid this auction house. This company is not Honest Will do business again.

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