

Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and in particular Article thereof, 575/2013. Having regard to the opinion of the European Central Bank 575/2013. Having regard to the opinion of the European Economic 575/2013 Social Committee 2 , 575/2013. The G Declaration of 2 April on Strengthening of the Scent split System called for internationally consistent efforts that are aimed at strengthening transparency, accountability and regulation by improving the quantity and quality of capital in the banking system once the economic recovery is assured.

OJ L , In force: This act has been changed. Languages, formats and link to OJ. Multilingual display. Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, and in particular Article thereof,. Having regard to the opinion of the European Central Bank 1 ,.


The legislation has been amended several times, in line with evolving international regulatory standards set by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. Delegated and implementing acts. A full list of these acts is available here. Common equity tier1. A standard which aims to improve the financial reporting of financial instruments with the use of a more forward-looking model to recognise expected credit losses on financial assets. Therefore, arrangements are needed to mitigate the potentially significant negative impact on common equity Tier 1 capital arising from expected credit loss accounting. Non-performing loans. A loan is generally considered non-performing when more than 90 days have passed without the borrower a company or individual paying the amounts due or interest that have been agreed upon, or when it becomes unlikely that the borrower will repay it. This consolidated version is of documentary value only. See consolidated version.

The institution shall not otherwise 575/2013 subject to such an obligation. OJ C 68, 6.

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Uredba EU br. OJ L , In force: This act has been changed.

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Competent authorities shall evaluate whether issuances of Common Equity Tier 1 instruments meet the criteria set out in Article 28 or, where applicable, Article The following shall apply where, in the case of an Additional Tier 1 instrument, the conditions laid down in Article 52 1 cease to be met:. The remainder of credit risk adjustment shall be assigned on a pro rata basis according to the proportion of risk weighted exposure amounts subject to the Standardised Approach and subject to the IRB Approach. In particular the reduction in risk levels deriving from having a large number of relatively small exposures should be reflected in the requirements. EBA, on the basis of data received and the findings of the supervisory review during an observation period, should in cooperation with competent authorities develop a classification of business models and risks. EBA, in cooperation with the ESRB, should issue guidance on the principles for use of liquid stock in a stress situation. Functional cookies provide enhanced functionality and improve your experience when you navigate our website. Institutions shall make the deductions required by points b , c and d of Article 66 in accordance with the following provisions:. Where the Commission has submitted to the Council a proposal to reject national macroprudential measures, the Council should examine that proposal without delay and decide whether or not to reject the national measures. This joint decision shall be set out in a document containing the fully reasoned decision which shall be provided to the applicant by the competent authority referred to in paragraph 1. Except for the Internal Assessment Approach, where the IRB Approach is used only for a part of the securitised exposures underlying a securitisation, the institution shall use the approach corresponding to the predominant share of securitised exposures underlying this securitisation. The condition laid down in point g of paragraph 1 shall be deemed to be met notwithstanding the provisions governing the capital instrument indicating expressly or implicitly that the principal amount of the instrument would or might be reduced within a resolution procedure or as a consequence of a write down of capital instruments required by the resolution authority responsible for the institution. The specific treatment applicable to a given intragroup flow should be obtained through a methodology using objective criteria and parameters in order to determine specific levels of inflows and outflows between the institution and the counterparty.

OJ L , In force: This act has been changed. Languages, formats and link to OJ.

To this end, a clear and encompassing definition of securitisation is needed that captures any transaction or scheme whereby the credit risk associated with an exposure or pool of exposures is tranched. The condition set out in point j of the first subparagraph shall be deemed to be met, notwithstanding the instruments are included in Additional Tier 1 or Tier 2 by virtue of Article 3 , provided that they rank pari passu. The single rulebook ensures a robust and uniform regulatory framework facilitating the functioning of the internal market and prevents regulatory arbitrage opportunities. In the latter situation, a pool- specific liquidity facility should generally not be considered a re-securitisation exposure because it represents a tranche of a single asset pool that is, the applicable pool of whole loans which contains no securitisation exposures. Any relevant competent authority may also during the six months period consult EBA in the event of a disagreement on the conditions in points a to d of Article 8 3. The overall objective is to make banks more robust and resilient in periods of economic stress. Individual, consolidated and cross-border consolidated supervision are useful tools in overseeing institutions. An exposure that creates a direct payment obligation for a transaction or scheme used to finance or operate physical assets should not be considered an exposure to a securitisation, even if the transaction or scheme has payment obligations of different seniority. A vote could be taken in accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the Council 8 at the request of a Member State or of the Commission. In the absence of a joint decision between the competent authorities within six months, the consolidating supervisor shall make its own decision on point a of paragraph 1. At the same time, this requirement should be positive in order to ensure that institutions track and monitor their exposures to CCPs as part of good risk management and to reflect that even trade exposures to CCPs are not risk-free. Competent authorities should pay appropriate attention to cases where they suspect that information is regarded as proprietary or confidential in order to avoid disclosure of such information. In implementing the Basel III agreement within the EU, capital, liquidity and the leverage ratio were considered, covering the whole balance sheet of the banks.

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