3 hyenas in lion king

3 hyenas in lion king

While not especially bright, the hyenas do display a degree of competence rarely associated with comic-relief lackeys, generally foiled by their adversaries' own luck.

Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed is a featured article , which means it has been identified as one of the best articles produced by the Disney Wiki community. If you see a way this page can be updated or improved without compromising previous work, please feel free to contribute. They are a trio of spotted hyenas who were loyal followers and minions of Scar. The hyenas were banished from the Pride Lands on account of their destructive eating habits, forcing them to take refuge in the Elephant Graveyard. By forming an alliance with Scar, they hope to usurp the lions and overrun the Pride Lands, thus allowing themselves and other hyenas the freedom to eat as much as they desire.

3 hyenas in lion king


The trio comes to Scar's cave to inform him that there's no food or water and that the lionesses refuse to follow his orders to which Scar neglects. Her distinguishing features are five prominent bangs hanging over her face and a mane that reaches all the way to her bangs, 3 hyenas in lion king.


Shenzi's clan is a clan of hyenas who lived in the Elephant Graveyard during the reign of Mufasa. After forming an alliance with Mufasa's brother, Scar, they invaded the Pride Lands and hunted it into ruin. Eventually, Simba reclaimed his birthright as the king of Pride Rock , and Shenzi's clan betrayed and killed Scar and fled the kingdom. Due to their ravenous appetites, Shenzi's clan was forbidden entry to the Pride Lands. If they ever attempted to cross the border, they were forcibly driven out. As a result, they lived in the Elephant Graveyard. At some point, they befriended Scar, the younger brother of King Mufasa. Though Zazu urged the cubs to return to the Pride Lands, they refused and were subsequently confronted by Shenzi and her cohorts, Banzai and Ed. Upon learning of Simba's identity, Shenzi threatened him, and the hyenas began to make jokes about how they would eat him and Nala. In doing so, they got distracted long enough for Simba, Nala, and Zazu to escape.

3 hyenas in lion king

Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed is a featured article , which means it has been identified as one of the best articles produced by the Disney Wiki community. If you see a way this page can be updated or improved without compromising previous work, please feel free to contribute. They are a trio of spotted hyenas who were loyal followers and minions of Scar.

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Much like their ancestors, Janja's clan is greedy and over-hunts, and makes numerous schemes to kill the Lion Guard and take over the Pride Lands. In Season 2, the original hyenas are referenced more, both through paintings of them with Scar, and through mentions by the characters although the trio is not specifically named or referenced to. In addition, when about to commence the Wildebeest Stampede, he almost tried to kill and eat a sick Wildebeest before Scar gave them the signal, but was stopped by Shenzi, reminding him about waiting for Scar's signal. And at the climax of the movie, Shenzi informs the hyenas that Scar has betrayed them. He also usually speaks and acts without thinking, losing his temper with Ed twice, and complaining when the Pride Lands lacks food under Scar's rule "It's dinnertime, and we ain't got no stinkin' entrees! For the host Martin Partin, Shenzi demonstrates ballet dancing, Banzai performs a singing act, and Ed attempts slapstick comedy, but they are turned down abruptly. If you see a way this page can be updated or improved without compromising previous work, please feel free to contribute. This trait is especially apparent when they first meet Nala and Simba, where Banzai and Shenzi start cracking jokes relating to eating them Banzai: Yeah, we could have whatever's She is assertive, collected and possesses a considerable amount of self-control, only very rarely losing her temper. Shenzi logically decides that Simba is as good as dead out alone in the scorching desert, and if he survives and decides to come back, they'll kill him then which Banzai yells out to Simba. While not especially bright, the hyenas do display a degree of competence rarely associated with comic-relief lackeys, generally foiled by their adversaries' own luck. Banzai seems to be the best at translating Ed's laughter into meaning, suggesting they have known each other for a long time.

In the event of the previous male lions being kicked out of the pride, the new dominant male will kill all the cubs, from the past male, so they have their own cubs with the lionesses. There are many animals.

Afterwards, they help Scar carry out his plan to kill Mufasa by triggering a wildebeest stampede. However, multiple times in the film, Ed is seen teasing him and Banzai jumps into the fight every time. Cooked Goose: Two snooty Cheetahs have found that the hyena trio is disturbing their hunts, so they decide to send them on wild goose chases to get them out of the way. Throught the movie, the hyenas display their inner personalities. Shenzi voiced by Whoopi Goldberg is the leader and sole female of the trio. In A Tale of Two Brothers, the young hyenas appear at the beginning where they surround a helpless Rafiki who had just arrived in the Pride Lands. Concept art confirms that Shenzi, Banzai and Ed's likeness will be featured in the new Disney's Art of Animation Resort when it opens in mid Even the end-of-level boss hyena in the first level was not one of them. And when Scar betrays the hyenas at the end, he understands that they have been betrayed just as well as Shenzi and Banzai, and is just as angry as they are. Shenzi orders the boys to go down and make sure he's dead, then she wanders off. This scene occurs shortly before Simba is born. Later on in the game, the trio of hyenas are fought again for information on the source of Scar's ghost.

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