3 guys one hammer official video

3 guys one hammer official video

To celebrate Halloween we are doing Serial Killers all October-long. They made one of the most infamous murder videos ever put on the internet called "3 Guys 1 Hammer", 3 guys one hammer official video. It involved three people killing a guy with a hammer and a screwdriver. It is as extreme as you can imagine] These teenagers terrorized this town in Ukraine for three weeks where they murdered 21 people in three weeks.

During their active period from June 25, to July 16, , they committed 21 murders. In addition, they also committed crimes, such as theft, or torturing and killing animals. A third conspirator, Alexander Hanzha, who was the same age, helped them with the thefts. Viktor Sayenko on left Igor Suprunyuk on right. They all met in elementary school at the age of They started murdering sweaty dogs and cats.

3 guys one hammer official video

The case gained additional notoriety because the killers made video recordings of some of the murders, with one of the videos leaking to the Internet. Sayenko and Suprunyuk were sentenced to life imprisonment, while Hanzha received nine years in prison. The first two murders occurred late on 25 June The first victim was a year-old woman, Yekaterina Ilchenko, [9] who was walking home after having tea at her friend's apartment. According to Sayenko's confession, he and Suprunyuk were "out for a walk". Suprunyuk had a hammer. As Ilchenko walked past, Suprunyuk "spun around" and hit her in the side of the head. Ilchenko's body was found by her mother at a. Tatarevich's head was smashed with blunt objects numerous times, rendering him unrecognizable. The bench was located across the street from the local public prosecutor's office. On 1 July, two more victims, Yevgenia Grischenko and Nikolai Serchuk, were found murdered in the nearby town of Novomoskovsk. The first was Egor Nechvoloda, a recently discharged army recruit, who was bludgeoned while walking home from a nightclub. His mother found the body in the morning by their apartment building on Bohdan-Khmelnytsky Street.

It is speculated that they made the videos because they were selling them to the owner of a snuff website who paid them for them. Retrieved 25 November Retrieved 10 May

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The video shows two year-old Ukranian men, Viktor Sayenko and Igor Suprunyuk, as they savagely pummel to death year-old Sergei Yatzenko, an innocent passerby. The disturbing video spread quickly, racking up millions of views, and soon the two savages who happily destroyed a man's face with a hammer became known as the 'Dnepropetrovsk Maniacs. Those bold enough to watch the '3 guys, 1 hammer' video online may feel nauseated, forced to look away, while others become frozen with shock and disbelief at what they are seeing. Trust me, it's as dreadful as it seems. The video is short, at only 8 minutes, and in low definition, but is utterly harrowing to see.

3 guys one hammer official video

In July , a blurry 8-minute long video shot on a mobile phone, titled "3 guys, 1 Hammer", was uploaded to a shock video website. The video showed two men using a hammer and a screwdriver Read all In July , a blurry 8-minute long video shot on a mobile phone, titled "3 guys, 1 Hammer", was uploaded to a shock video website. The video showed two men using a hammer and a screwdriver to brutally murder a terrified man. Once they finished, the two killers even posed next t Once they finished, the two killers even posed next to the man's body doing a sieg heil; just another shot to add to their growing photo album

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The man whose murder is recorded in the leaked video was identified as Sergei Yatzenko from the village of Taroms'ke [ uk ; ru ]. Komsomolskaya Pravda. Error al eliminar de la lista de deseos. Archived from the original on 23 February Special Thanks to Mr. Error al Agregar a Lista de Deseos. Novomoskovsk City News in Russian. Life imprisonment for Sayenko and Suprunyuk; nine years' imprisonment for Hanzha. The photographic and video evidence was shown in court on 29 October , as part of a larger presentation of over photographs and two videos. Lidia Mikrenischeva, an elderly woman who survived a hammer attack and helped to identify the killers in court, was also interviewed. I can make out one or two words but not enough to make out a coherent sentence. Do you have more informations?

The case gained additional notoriety because the killers made video recordings of some of the murders, with one of the videos leaking to the Internet.

This episode is brought to you by Chemical Free Body. Casefile: True Crime Podcast. Retrieved 25 November I respect your opin- I respect your opin- -nion, but no. He is seen lying on his back in a wooded area and is struck repeatedly in the face with a hammer held inside a plastic bag. They made one of the most infamous murder videos ever put on the internet called "3 Guys 1 Hammer". Retrieved 30 September The prosecution did not establish a motive behind the killings. Retrieved 4 January In addition, they also committed crimes, such as theft, or torturing and killing animals.

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