2 men 1 horse

2 men 1 horse

The Enumclaw horse sex case is an obscure crime story that also goes by the names, 2 guys, 1 horse, and the Mr. Hands video. Filmed on July 2,the video is basically what you are imagining right now.

The Enumclaw horse sex case was a series of incidents in involving Kenneth D. Pinyan , [2] [3] an engineer who worked for Boeing and resided in Gig Harbor, Washington ; James Michael Tait , a truck driver; Douglas Spink ; and other unidentified men. Pinyan and Tait filmed and distributed zoophilic pornography of Pinyan receiving anal sex from a stallion under the alias "Mr. The story was reported in The Seattle Times and was one of that paper's most read stories of Under current Washington law, bestiality is now a Class C felony punishable by up to five years in prison.

2 men 1 horse


Some time after the events in Washington, James Michael Tait moved to Maury County, Tennesseeonto a farm owned by a man named Kenny Thomason housing horses, pigs, goats and dogs, 2 men 1 horse. Because of the provision against videotaping, Mudede stated that the law "points an angry finger directly at James Tait.


One thing we've learned about the internet is that when you tell someone to not Google something, chances are they're going to Google it. Over the years, the internet has learned this the hard way, especially when it comes to viral shock videos like Mr. The now-infamous Mr. Hands film has scarred meme enjoyers for decades now, all revolving around one horse and one man who is now deceased. For starters, Mr. Hands was the nickname for a man named Kenneth Pinyan who died in the year Prior to his death, Pinyan and some of his friends would often sneak into the stables of the Enumclaw horse farm just outside of Seattle, Washington. There is where the notorious Mr.

2 men 1 horse

A series of shock videos went viral on X formerly Twitter in November , sparking reactions ranging from the thousand yard stare to utter disgust. While it's unclear why videos like "The Horse Video" and "The Frog Video" were being shared by people specifically asking others not to look it up , here's a recap of the video's content and history for our more morbidly curious readers. The video shows the men squatting in murky waters as they hand off the camera between them and a third friend to get multiple angles of the act. The video was originally believed to be of Romanian origin, while others have speculated that it actually comes from Chile. This Redditor reportedly lifted the video from Facebook. The video was widely reported on in the weeks after it was posted, with many people trying to identify its source. The Facebook user who originally posted the clip said that it pictured Romanian singer Florin Rada. Rada strongly denied the claims and threatened to sue.

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Police also found dozens of homemade video of Tait and others taking part in animal sex of all types. Retrieved November 3, Retrieved February 13, — via www. What Happens In The Barn King County, Washington. A guy, Kenneth Pinyan, has sex with a horse. He was about to begin making payments on the property's mortgage. And the offenses that were in place were stricken from the books in the s, when "Crimes against Nature" laws that had lumped bestiality in with consensual sexual acts between adults once labeled as illegal—like sodomy—were deleted wholesale. RCW Evening Standard. One of the videotapes featured Kenneth Pinyan shortly before he died on July 2. Tait and Thomason admitted to engaging in sex acts with a horse. On October 13, , a woman associated with them, Christy D. Retrieved April 30, Pinyan had previously lost the ability to experience certain sensations after a motorcycle accident, and he had begun to seek out increasingly extreme sexual acts such as insertion of extremely large dildos , fisting , and receptive anal sex with horses.

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Updated October 21, Mudede wrote "It was an almost comically easy law to pass"; [2] bestiality had little political support in Washington and no group in the state actively advocated for bestiality to be legal. The Enumclaw horse sex case is an obscure crime story that also goes by the names, 2 guys, 1 horse, and the Mr. Brave enough to watch the real thing probably NSFW, depending on your work click here. He later died of internal injuries. Retrieved September 17, Retrieved June 11, October 18, Archived from the original on January 5, Pinyan had previously lost the ability to experience certain sensations after a motorcycle accident, and he had begun to seek out increasingly extreme sexual acts such as insertion of extremely large dildos , fisting , and receptive anal sex with horses.

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