2 guys 1 horse video

2 guys 1 horse video

The video, intended originally to sexually gratify the viewer, became one of the first viral reaction videos. Hands Uploaded by andcallmeshirley Previous 1 2 3 Next. New Playlist. Usuario baneado.

The Enumclaw horse sex case was a series of incidents in involving Kenneth D. Pinyan , [2] [3] an engineer who worked for Boeing and resided in Gig Harbor, Washington ; James Michael Tait , a truck driver; Douglas Spink ; and other unidentified men. Pinyan and Tait filmed and distributed zoophilic pornography of Pinyan receiving anal sex from a stallion under the alias "Mr. The story was reported in The Seattle Times and was one of that paper's most read stories of Under current Washington law, bestiality is now a Class C felony punishable by up to five years in prison.

2 guys 1 horse video


After Pinyan's death, a video circulated on the Internet of Kenneth Pinyan engaging in 2 guys 1 horse video anal intercourse with a horse. Pinyan had previously lost the ability to experience certain sensations after a motorcycle accident, and he had begun to seek out increasingly extreme sexual acts such as insertion of extremely large dildosfistingand receptive anal sex with horses.


One thing we've learned about the internet is that when you tell someone to not Google something, chances are they're going to Google it. Over the years, the internet has learned this the hard way, especially when it comes to viral shock videos like Mr. The now-infamous Mr. Hands film has scarred meme enjoyers for decades now, all revolving around one horse and one man who is now deceased. For starters, Mr. Hands was the nickname for a man named Kenneth Pinyan who died in the year

2 guys 1 horse video

The Horse Video refers to a leaked bestiality video of an unknown man getting penetrated by a white horse. In early November , the video went viral on X and other social media platforms, being spread as shock media and subsequently inspiring memes and reactions online. While the clip claims that the man's name is Michael Hanley, his identity has not been confirmed. The earliest discovered viral post containing the video was made at approximately 5 p. EST by X [1] user sully but has since been removed. In the second video still images shown below , which was filmed inside a stable, a man dressed in an orange shirt and grey cargo shorts pets a small white horse, likely a pony, before checking if the animal is aroused, pulling down his pants and turning his back towards the horse.

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Some time after the events in Washington, James Michael Tait moved to Maury County, Tennessee , onto a farm owned by a man named Kenny Thomason housing horses, pigs, goats and dogs. Categories : in American law in Washington state in American law Accidental deaths in Washington state Animal pornography Deaths from peritonitis Horse-related accidents and incidents Enumclaw, Washington Sex case law Washington state law Zoophilia. Hands video. New York City: Ulysses Press. It was only after Pinyan died, when law enforcement looked for one way to punish his associates, that the legality of bestiality in Washington State became an issue [ After Pinyan died, the authorities used his driver's license to find acquaintances and relatives. Retrieved January 17, May 29, It depicts a man engaging in sexual acts with a horse, while another man records the scene. New Playlist. Retrieved September 17, Retrieved December 29, Retrieved February 13, — via www.

The video 2 Guys 1 Horse is a short clip that gained notoriety on the internet in the early s. It depicts two men engaging in sexual acts with a horse. The video is widely considered to be disturbing and graphic, and its content is not suitable for all audiences.

Retrieved December 29, ISBN Archived from the original on April 11, Retrieved February 13, December 30, Archived from the original on June 9, The video, intended originally to sexually gratify the viewer, became one of the Internet's first viral shock videos and was featured in the documentary Zoo. Hands, also known as 2 Guys 1 Horse, is a zoosadist shock video recorded on July 2, Archived from the original on April 30, Today's Top Video Galleries. Table of Contents. In the early s, he found a group of men online, nicknamed "zoos", who began meeting at a farm in an unincorporated area of King County, Washington , for communal weekends. Every person who shall carnally know in any manner any animal or bird, or who shall carnally know any male or female person by the anus or with the mouth or tongue; or who shall voluntarily submit to such knowledge; or who shall attempt sexual intercourse with a dead body, shall be guilty of sodomy Archived from the original on August 11, The Stranger.

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