2 broke girls cast

2 broke girls cast

Max Black Episodes. Caroline Channing Episodes. Earl Washington Episodes.

Comedy about two struggling waitresses who work at a diner in Brooklyn, New York, as they try to save money to open their own cupcake shop. Close Ad. New This Month. New Netflix Shows and Movies in February. New Hulu Shows and Movies in February

2 broke girls cast

Television Stats. The show revolves around the lives of two waitresses, Max Black and Caroline Channing, as they navigate their way through the challenges of life and work in New York City. Max, played by Kat Dennings, is a street-smart, tough-talking girl with a talent for baking. Caroline, played by Beth Behrs, is a former socialite who lost her wealth and is now trying to start a new life. Together, they dream of opening their own cupcake business. Kim Kardashian, who portrays the character Herself, is currently the most popular cast member today. The cast of 2 Broke Girls including daily popularity data. Updated on February 23, Sort cast by:. Actor Popularity. Kat Dennings. Max is a witty and sarcastic waitress with a passion for baking. She grew up in a low-income household and is determined to escape her financial struggles by opening her own cupcake business.

Features Set details: 72 episodes 9-DVD-set 1.

The series was produced for Warner Bros. Whereas Caroline was raised as the daughter of a billionaire, Max grew up in poverty, resulting in differing perspectives on life, although together they work in a local diner while attempting to raise funds to start a cupcake business. The series has received a polarized response from critics and audiences alike. The on-screen chemistry between the show's six leads, especially that of Behrs and Dennings, has been praised, while others have criticized the show's reliance on sexualized , drug related, and racial humor. During the course of the series, episodes of the show aired over six seasons.

Litwack, was a molecular pharmacologist , and college professor and chairman. Dennings is the youngest of five children. Beginning her career at age 9 by acting in commercials, Dennings said her family never had much money for formal acting training. Dennings was homeschooled ; her only enrollment at a traditional school was for a half-day at Friends' Central School. Dennings made her professional debut with an appearance on HBO 's Sex and the City in , in the episode " Hot Child in the City ", playing an obnoxious year-old who hires Samantha to handle publicity for her bat mitzvah. In , Dennings appeared in the Disney Channel film The Scream Team as a teenager who stumbles into a group of ghosts. Dennings continued working on television, guest-starring on Without a Trace as a teen whose boyfriend goes missing, and on Less than Perfect in In February , she was cast in a pilot for CBS titled Sudbury , about a family of modern-day witches, based on the film Practical Magic , but the series was not picked up. Dennings starred in Charlie Bartlett in , the story of a wealthy teenager Anton Yelchin who acts as a psychiatrist among students at his new public high school.

2 broke girls cast

Max Black 22 Episodes. Caroline Channing 22 Episodes. Earl Washington 22 Episodes. Oleg Golishevsky 22 Episodes. Han Lee 22 Episodes. Sophie Kachinsky 22 Episodes. Joedth 5 Episodes.

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Aubrey Lee 1 episode, Ray 1 Episode. Wendy Worthington Cranky Woman 1 Episode. Gina Manegio Sophie's Friend 1 Episode. Loner Guy 1 Episode. Judy Gold. Puerto Rican Girl 1 Episode. Casey O'Keefe Woman 1 Episode. Bill Parks Band Member 1 Episode. The network announced a premiere date of October 27, Desktop Mobile. Brian Borello Guy 1 episode, Joel Murray Director 1 Episode. Guard 1 1 Episode. Jeff Ellingson.

Elizabeth Ann Behrs born December 26, is an American actress. The show ran for six seasons and earned Behrs praise and nominations for the Teen and the People's Choice Awards. Having made her screen debut in the comedy film American Pie Presents: The Book of Love , she later ventured into television roles.

Kat Dennings. Retrieved May 8, Lei 1 Episode. Ellie Reed Claire 1 Episode. Jennifer 1 Episode. Teen Choice Awards. Retrieved November 20, Ken Whittingham. Adam Irigoyen Hector 1 episode, Edwin 1 Episode. Archived from the original on May 25, Rick Shapiro — 1 Episode.

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