1940 nyc tax photos brooklyn

It required more than thirty years, many thousands of dollars and hours of labor, plus two cross-country trips. The digitization project is only the latest chapter in the story of the tax photographs. The Archives accessioned the collection from the Department of Finance in

In , and again in the mids, the Department of Taxes now called the Department of Finance took one photograph of every building in New York City as part of the property assessment process. You can view the tax photograph collection for free online or on microfilm at the Municipal Archives. You can also purchase black and white prints of the photographs, and color prints of the s photographs. View tax photographs. Order a tax photograph. You can order a tax photograph by mail using the Tax Photograph Order Form. It's free to view the photos.

1940 nyc tax photos brooklyn

Thanks for subscribing! Look out for your first newsletter in your inbox soon! By entering your email address you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and consent to receive emails from Time Out about news, events, offers and partner promotions. The New York City Department of Taxation took photos of every house and shop across the five boroughs b etween and , before the U. You can scroll across the map and select properties easily. It's a really easy way to look up how your part of the neighborhood looked back then, from the stores that surrounded your home to even the small details like what the street signs were or what people were wearing on your block. Boilen also included "outtakes" of photos on the website , so you can see what is essentially a blooper reel from the s tax photographers. If you are curious about other buildings, you can browse through the collection, which contains more than 1. If you can't find your tax photo and your building was definitely around then, you can email photounit records. About us.

Given their fragile condition, it was not possible to allow patrons to examine the original negatives, but they could request prints.

Department of Finance. New York N. Tax Department. United States. Skip to main content. Department of Finance Overview Collection Organization. Abstract This collection contains photographs of real estate parcels in the five boroughs of New York City, dated between , with the bulk of the images dating from

The s for Brooklyn was a decade marked by global conflict, domestic change, and remarkable cultural milestones. Join us in retracing the steps of Brooklynites during this unparalleled era. The s were dominated by the specter of World War II, and Brooklyn played a pivotal role on the home front. The s marked their first World Series win in , although they fell to the Yankees. But more than just sports, the Dodgers made a civil rights statement in when Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier, changing the game forever. Post-war Brooklyn saw an influx of immigrants from Europe, adding to the already diverse mosaic of the borough. Neighborhoods flourished with Italian, Irish, Jewish, and Caribbean influences, each bringing their distinct traditions, foods, and festivals. The post-war economic surge ignited a construction boom across Brooklyn. As families grew and sought more space, neighborhoods like Canarsie, Flatlands, and Marine Park expanded with new housing developments.

1940 nyc tax photos brooklyn

Department of Finance. New York N. Tax Department.

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Little Syria. There had been so many changes in the City since the s—new highways, housing developments, airports, etc. Contact us. Related links. Healthcare Workers. There are no records to display. Manhattan New York, N. It was subsequently applied throughout the other boroughs, under the direction of the WPA. If the identifying block or lot number sign did not appear in the image, the file was named with an alphanumeric code and the image number from the original roll. You can view tax photos on microfilm and purchase copies at the Municipal Archives It's free to view the photos.

Researchers interested in New York City will be thrilled to learn that you can view online images of nearly every single building in the five boroughs of New York City from circa They join a similar set of photos from the early s which are also available online at the same location. Read on for a brief overview of the collection and some important instructions for finding the buildings in your family history.

This duplicate, known as the archival master copy, was then used to create the negative copy for printing and the positive copy for reference use. Manhattan New York, N. Excluding most churches and synagogues, parcels containing a tax-exempt building, such as a school or firehouse, were also typically left unphotographed. Note to the staff. In , and again in the mids, the Department of Taxes now called the Department of Finance took one photograph of every building in New York City as part of the property assessment process. Try another? Sign In Sign Up. More on Time In [image] [title]. Photoville The Brooklyn Waterfront. When the new digital files were received by the Archives, the project team began their quality-inspection protocol. Knowledge Article.

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