1901 indian head penny

1901 indian head penny

Longacre and released in as a replacement for the Flying Eagle motif, which debuted in and became the nation's first small cent. Interestingly, the Indian cent name is a misnomer, as the female figure on the coin's obverse is not a Native American but rather a Caucasian figure of Miss Liberty wearing a feathered headdress meant to depict, if inaccurately, a style of head adornment similar to those worn by some native peoples, 1901 indian head penny.

By creating an account, you are agreeing to the Terms of Service and the Privacy Policy. For collectors, it is important to get their hands on coins from this year as it will be necessary to complete any collection. Of course, even more important is getting your hands on one of these coins in excellent condition. Being that they are well over years old, however, it is not so easy to attain a Indian Head in well-preserved shape. As part of American minting history, the Indian Head draws attention from a lot of collectors. Because of this, these coins are becoming increasingly scarce with each passing year, so it is important to get your hands on them while you can. For coins as old as the Indian Head Penny, collectors care most about the condition the coin is in.

1901 indian head penny

A close inspection determines if your Indian head penny value is above average. Most of these old pennies surviving today are heavily worn, finding one with the majority of the design remaining is worth double the others. Indian pennies began as finely detailed coins, the headdress and headband, curls and ribbon in her hair, all well defined. However, circulating in everyday use, wear from handing quickly smoothes and flattens the high points and finer parts of the design. Pictured is an "uncirculated" penny, there is no wear to the surfaces. Looking closely, all features are crisp and sharp. Many old coins, including yours, even if circulated and worn are often worth far above the minimum. The stages in wear as it relates to value are described with images below. Comparing your coin to the images quickly gives a sense of its condition. For example, finding small details remaining within the feathers especially towards the tips indicates better condition. Collectors of Indian pennies are committed to adding quality to their sets. Nice, original honest coins are in the greatest demand. True, the highest Indian head penny value is awarded to those with no wear. Also true, lightly circulated examples are still very collectible. This coin is both above average in value because it is uncirculated and secondly above average within the uncirculated category.

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Flying Eagle and Indian Head Cents. Die Variety Search:. Varieties by Year:. Select a category Flying Eagle Cents 65 24 Obverse of 1 Obverse of 23 41 Large Letters 18 Small Letters 17 Unknown Hub Type 6 Indian Head Pennies 1, 9 9 Pointed Bust 2 Rounded Bust 7 4 37 76 64 CN 15 L 23 No-L 25 Unknown Hub Type 1 44 Fancy 5 25 Plain 5 16 Unknown Punch Type 3 26 11 18 26 42 10 15 13 Close 3 3 Open 3 10 13 25 2 2 7 5 31 8 10 22 11 5 21 Type 1 Hub 9 Type 2 Hub 12 20 35 47 23 27 21 23 6 32 33 31 48 40 33 29 29 38 29 48 76 69 47 S 10 2. About Contact. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Do not sell my personal information.

This new facility afforded the Mint a much larger production capacity through massive upgrades in equipment. Most importantly, all aspects of the production line would now be powered by electricity instead of steam. This increase in capacity was much needed since the U. Yet now the economy was healthy and there was an ever-increasing demand for cent coins. This demand was fueled mainly by the proliferation of coin-operated machines. America received its first coin-operated vending machines from the Thomas Adams Gum Company in

1901 indian head penny

In , the circulating 1c coin wore pearls and feathers. How odd! Today, we would call it a Native American Head Penny. But historically, people referred to it as the Indian Head Cent even though the portrait had distinctly Western features. Precious metal coins had a little copper in them to ease the minting process, but pennies were pure copper. Then the s gold rush raised copper prices as gold dropped.

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Privacy Policy. When it comes to assessing the condition of a Indian Head Penny, the official process of doing so is known as grading the coin. A close inspection determines if your Indian head penny value is above average. That claim goes to the S Indian cent, which has a mintage of just , pieces and is only the second mintmarked issue in the series. First Name. Log In. Flying Eagle and Indian Head Cents. The only small flaw that can be found with Indian Head Pennies is that some of their original luster will have worn away with the years. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Varieties by Year:. Because a pristine collection looks so much better than one made up of worn coins, it goes without saying that collectors are constantly trying to find these coins in superb condition.

A close inspection determines if your Indian head penny value is above average. Most of these old pennies surviving today are heavily worn, finding one with the majority of the design remaining is worth double the others.

At the end of the day, the imagery present on these coins will be able to be relatively easily made out with the naked eye. New to JM Bullion? Retype Password. The wreath was modified and a shield added to the reverse in , and in came a variety of changes to the series. This penny despite its age is in like new condition. Functional Functional. Enter your email address and we will send you a link to reset your password. These moderately worn pennies are highly collectible. Flying Eagle and Indian Head Cents. Subscribe to the JM Bullion newsletter to receive timely market updates and information on product sales and giveaways. True, the highest Indian head penny value is awarded to those with no wear.

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