101 dalmatians cartoon

101 dalmatians cartoon

When a litter of Dalmatian puppies are abducted by the minions of Cruella De Vil, the owners must find them before she uses them for a diabolical 101 dalmatians cartoon statement. Roger : Look, Anita! Puppies everywhere!

Tripod : No pain, no gain. Sign In Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Episode guide.

101 dalmatians cartoon

It is produced by Walt Disney Television Animation and Jumbo Pictures and is based on the Disney animated feature of the same name and its live-action remake. Doug creator Jim Jinkins and his partner David Campbell both were developers of the series. The show focuses primarily on three puppies: Lucky, TV addict leader and unconventional hero; Rolly, his cheerful, laid-back, and always-hungry brother; and Cadpig, their uncanny but loveable sister who is the runt of the family. The three siblings are often joined by Spot, a chicken who wants to be a dog and a member of the Bark Brigade. Unlike the original film, but like the live-action film, the series is set in England in the s, on the Dearly Farm. Other puppies appearing in the show included the fearless, three-legged Tripod, the friendly dimwitted Dipstick, the constantly urinating Wizzer, the fashion-conscious diva Two-Tone, and the Sheepdog mix, Mooch, who serves as the farm's bully. Patch also makes occasional appearances, though with a different personality than originally promoted. The producers also gave the series its own highly stylized look, different from that of the original film, and even tackled the character of Cruella de Vil. Gannaway stated that they needed to expand her so that she would become more of a greedy character, which he found to be daunting as Cruella was a beloved Disney villain. The show debuted in syndication on the Disney-Kellogg Alliance block on September 1, , running episodes five days a week; this was the second season. That season was originally going to air on ABC on September 6, , but was delayed a week due to the death of Princess Diana. In total, 65 half-hour episodes with episode segments were produced. The first season contained 12 episodes: 3 full-length episodes, and 9 that contained 2 segments each. Meanwhile, the second season contained 53 episodes: 22 full-length episodes, and 31 that contained 2 segments each. Reruns continued to play on ABC until

August 26, She did the same kind of work for the characters of Cinderella in the title movie and Aurora in Sleeping Beauty.

This article is about the film. For the live-action remake, see Dalmatians film. One Hundred and One Dalmatians , also titled Dalmatians , is a American animated comedy-adventure film produced by Walt Disney and based on the novel of the same name by Dodie Smith. The 17th film in the Disney Animated Canon , it was originally released to theaters on January 25 , , distributed by Buena Vista Pictures Distribution. The plot centers on the fate of Pongo and Perdita's 15 Dalmatian puppies after they are 'dognapped' by the villainous Cruella De Vil who wants to kill them for their fur. Unlike all other previous feature films were either set in historical settings or in some kind of fantasy world with no specifically recognizable location or historical setting, this is the second Disney animated feature film to take place in the time period it was made late s and early s ; , after Dumbo , which took place in its release year, Released on January 25 , , this film was a major success, pulling the studio out of financial trouble, caused by the box office failure of the previous Disney animated feature film Sleeping Beauty.

It began in with the release of the traditionally animated feature film, One Hundred and One Dalmatians. Various adaptations produced from Disney have been released over the years. From this The Walt Disney Company developed and expanded the franchise into other media. Smith wrote a sequel, The Starlight Barking , but this has not been used as source material for any of Disney's work. A American animated adventure comedy film produced by Walt Disney based on the novel by Dodie Smith , it was originally released to theaters on January 25, by Buena Vista Distribution.

101 dalmatians cartoon

Dalmatians Pongo and Perdita are overjoyed by the arrival of 15 puppies. But when the spotted-fur-loving Ms. De Vil dognaps the litteralong with every other Dalmatian pup in LondonPongo and Perdy must rally the town's animals to their rescue. Unleashing every ounce of Disney magic, Dalmatians thrills audiences of all ages with fast-paced adventure and comedyfeaturing a brilliant performance by Glenn Close as Cruella De Vil. In their small London flat, Dalmatians Pongo and Perdy, and their human "pets" Roger and Anita, are overjoyed by the arrival of 15 puppies. De Vil and her clumsy cohorts, Jasper and Horace, dognap the litteralong with every other Dalmatian pup in LondonPongo and Perdy must rally the town's animals to the rescue. The plan hurls them towards a thrilling climax, filled with uproarious moments as the puppies attempt to outwit their captors and bring on a final showdown with Cruella. Packed with one of the largest and cutest collections of puppies ever brought to film, Dalmatians also features a superb cast of talented humans, including Jeff Daniels, Joely Richardson and Joan Plowright. Duration: 1h 44m.

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Roger : Oh ho, Pongo, you old rascal! Release date. In , a second animated series was produced, Dalmatian Street , that serves as a continuation of the original animated film involving the adventures of the modern day descendants of Pongo and Perdita and their step-siblings in modern day London. Release date September 1, United States. He took further influence from her voice actress, Betty Lou Gerson , whose cheekbones he added to the character. Archived from the original on June 2, — via YouTube. Top cast Edit. Toy Story Monsters, Inc. DK Publishing. Archived from the original on More recently, Lucky and Freckles starred in several shorts on Disney Junior.

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Roger, Anita, Pongo and Perdita leave for a while leaving the main pups in charge of the house. Top Gap. The 3-part series finale, "Dalmatian Vacation", was also released on VHS and Laserdisc in Japan, which included two songs that were exclusive to this release and not on the TV broadcasts of the trilogy of episodes. After discovering that Lucky has never been double dog dared, Rolly and Cadpig dare him to help Spot. Cruella fakes an injury on the farm and tries to file a lawsuit against the Dearlys so that they are forced to sell the farm to them. Archived from the original on June 2, — via YouTube. The characters from One Hundred and One Dalmatians make cameo appearances in the television series House of Mouse , with Cruella De Vil featured as one of the main villains in the stand-alone feature Mickey's House of Villains Archived from the original on December 26, He took further influence from her voice actress, Betty Lou Gerson , whose cheekbones he added to the character. After Sleeping Beauty disappointed at the box office, Disney was losing money and there were discussions about closing down the animation department. October 11, He and his friends unearth him and befriend him. Photos Because of this, they end up colliding with Cruella and her car, sending both vehicles crashing into a deep ravine.

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